Friday, May 30, 2008

30 years ago...

Tomorrow is my 30th birthday. While others are usually sulking over that 30mark, I'm actually kinda glad I'm finally there. I do feel older no less, but it doesn't bother me. I think when you get out of your twenties people start to listen to you a little more *wink wink*. Really though, I'm just sad that my kids are growing up so fast!

As time passes in my life, I think about where I want to be in my walk with the Lord. The Lord has been so good to us! I could tell stories upon stories of how the Lord has supplied needs, healed fevers, touched lives and more. He is such a mighty great God, isn't He?

I remember one time when my son Joseph was just a baby. We used disposible diapers for our babies, and we were on our last two. We went to church that night trusting the Lord that he would give us money for diapers or we would just have to break out the cloth. (probably wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world) We didn't want to ask our parents because we were trying to be responsible and we had no money to our name. Well as we were coming out of the church that night, I noticed something on our windshield. There was an envelope and my husband's name written on it. We opened it and there was a $100.00 bill inside! No one had heard our prayers but the Lord and he answered them!

Later when Joseph was about 16 months old, he came down with a cold. This cold caused him to have a fever. One night it spiked while Michael was preaching at a local church in our area. We got in the car afterward and I looked back at Joseph and he was seizing! Of course the Lord gave me peace of mind to think to take him to the fire department down the road. There was no one left in the church. About a week later Joseph still had a fever and we couldn't get it to break. I went to church (I was the pianist) and Michael stayed at home with Joseph. When the service started we all prayed for Joseph's fever to break. We then proceeded with the service. When I got home, Michael told me that Joseph's fever had broken! He told me that it was about 7:05 when it broke. When I got up from praying at the beginning of the service, I looked at the clock, and it said 7:05! I knew that the Lord had touched and healed Joseph of his fever.

There are so many more times when God has shown up. I'll have to tell you about these things a little at a time or these posts will be SUPER long! LOL I hope you all have a blessed day or should I say evening! Tomorrow I enter my 30's and I'm happy. The Lord sure has been good!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenlyhost
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost!


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