Sunday, August 31, 2008

Home from the Beach

Week before last, we took a trip with my parents to the beach. We had a lot of fun. The boys got to play in the water and on the beach quite a bit. It was really nice and was a good vacation for us. Anyone likes to go somewhere for basically free right? My Aunt has a "Vacation Plan" at the beach and allowed all of us to use it. Here are some pics that I took at the beach.

This one is my youngest son on his "boogie board". They loved those things. My husband even got one and went out there to catch a few waves!

This is my oldest son who just had a WIPE OUT!!! LOL He was out there more than the youngest one and he used to be so afraid of water. Praise the Lord he finally got passed that!

This one is one of my favorites. This is of my husband and my oldest son. As we walked back to the car we walked passed this seating area on the pier. We stopped to take a few pics.

These two are two that I took on the sand dunes. I just thought they were purty!

Will post more later!


Monday, August 25, 2008

A blog contest!

Don't you just love them? I beautiful lady is having a blog contest on her blog. Just click on this
link to find out how to get in on it! It is for a beautiful created art words that you can decorate your home with. You can check out the website of the creator Fruitful Vine Creations by clicking on the link.

Will be back later with updates
