I'm calling this morning ramblings because I have a tendency to ramble. This morning I went online to fine a template for paper funnels. Can you believe I could not find anything? Then I remembered that I had a template for a party hat on my computer. So I shrunk the graphic for the template and placed four on a sheet and tada, I had my funnel template. What do I need with funnels? Well, you can use them for many things, but we are using them for Vacation Bible School crafts. You see I'm coordinating the VBS this year at my church and instead of paying $8 for 200 funnel cups that I only need 50 of I decided to print out a template, make copies at the church, and then when we decorate the church on Friday, the older kids that usually come can cut them out for us and tape them together. We will be using them to fill empty water bottles with sand to make sand art. Pretty neat huh? I wanted to make it availible to anyone that might need this template so here is the link where you can get it. It is in Adobe/pdf format so if you do not have Adobe on your computer you can go to their website and download it. These are small funnels but I am not using them for big items, just sand, so they will work well.
Today I must go and look for the sand to fill these water bottles. I had one lady that kept all of the waterbottles that she and her husband used. She cleaned them off and dried them. So they are ready to be filled with sand! Isn't it great?
VBS is this Saturday and I'm ready for it! Pray for me, my husband, and everyone involved that we have a GREAT, FUN, and SAFE VBS this year!
It's been a long journey but I know that the Lord is preparing me to be a pastor's wife. I'v had a lot of opportunities to do things this year that I normally would not do. These things have had their stressful moments and I know that the Lord prepares his children for the future ahead. I have to trust that this is what the Lord is doing. My husband awaits his certificate of ordination. Once he gets that he can talk with our state overseer about pastoring a church. Then, it's up to the Lord to send us to the right place. Pray with us about this!
Well I'm off to take care of my family, house, and duties for VBS. Have a wonderful day!
God Bless,